Three Bit Multiplication

Here is an example of a three bit multiplication in Verilog made to fit into a EPM7160SLC84-10.

I think I wrote a four bit one that I will try to find.

        Description of Multiplier:
                Three bit multiplication with
                macrocell count.
        Date:    2.28.2006
        Version: 1.0
module multiplier( valA, valB, result );
        input [2:0] valA;
        input [2:0] valB;
        output [7:0] A;
        wire [5:0] mp0, mp1, mp2;
        assign mp0 = (valB[0]) ? { 2'b00, valA }      : 5'b00000;
        assign mp1 = (valB[1]) ? { 1'b0, valA, 1'b0 } : 5'b00000;
        assign mp2 = (valB[2]) ? { valA, 2'b00 }      : 5'b00000;
        assign result = mp0 + mp1 + mp2;

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